Agora VR

VR Therapy of Agoraphobia

and Social Anxiety Disorders

[ utgers Capstone Group S20-61 ]
Aryeh Ness - Daniel Nguyen - Ted Moseley - Michael Truong
Dr. Grigore Burdea


Utilizing the Oculus Quest, our solution will immerse the patient within a virtual environment that dynamically adapts to how the patient is performing, based on both internal feedback from the system and external feedback from observers.

Our Goals

  • Public Speaking Scenarios (Auditorium & Meeting Room)
  • Animated Reactive People & Dynamic Sessions
  • Bluetooth Low Energy Heartrate Monitor
  • Tracking & Storing Data From Session
  • Patient & Therapist Portal

Project Design

Two virtual scenarios involving public speaking:

[1] Auditorium Presentation

[2] Meeting Room Presentation

These scenarios will include distractions caused by AI characters.

Heart Rate Monitoring and SpO2 levels

Build Process Slides | | Image Showcase Slides
Tracking Session Data:

  • Eye Contact with audience members
  • Volume level, pause in speech
  • Distracted by an audience
  • Hand movement and shakey hands (common symptom)
  • Need to meet a certain performance requirement before increasing difficulty
Audio Recording:
Agora VR Web Portal

Web Portal Link

Tools & Implementation