[ ℜutgers Capstone Group S20-61 ]
Aryeh Ness - Daniel Nguyen - Ted Moseley - Michael Truong
Dr. Grigore Burdea
The Problem
Agoraphobia/ˌaɡərəˈfōbēə/ n. -- abnormal fear of being helpless in a situation from
which escape may be difficult or embarrassing that is characterized initially often by panic or
anticipatory anxiety and finally by the avoidance of open or public places.
Avoiding public spaces and certain interactions with other people cause severe side effects
such as being unable to leave one’s own home or seeking help from a medical professional.
It may sound like an uncommon problem, but Agoraphobia is actually one of the top 10 most
common phobias to have.
Approximately one-third of people with a panic disorder develop agoraphobia,
and panic disorders affect nearly 6 million American adults every year.
It currently has no known cure, and once it occurs, it can last a lifetime.
Our Solution
Some conventional treatment methods include self-help (e.g. breathing or lifestyle changes),
therapy sessions (e.g. guided self-help or cognitive behavior therapy (CBT)),
or medication (e.g. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)).
People who have these disorders find it difficult or impossible to go out for help and
receive treatment. In other cases, after the first few treatments, they can start to distrust the
therapist or have fears of rejection.
In some cases, medication can be used as a sole treatment for agoraphobia or used in combination with
therapy. However, medication can come with multiple side effects and not everyone can take them.
Credit: Oculus VR
The patient can have access to a relatively inexpensive treatment option that they can use
within the comfort of their own space.
The application of conventional therapy methods in Virtual Reality allows the patient to be immersed
within customized environments that can dynamically change depending on the stage of treatment or severity
of the disorder.
Project Scope
Our Goals
Virtual Scenarios in Immersive Environments
Multiplayer Support
Crowd Artificial Intelligence
Stress Monitoring & Tracking
Simulation Footage Streaming & Playback
Patient & Therapist Portal
Clinical Research Study & Research Paper
Work Plan
Aryeh Ness
3D Modeling Environment Building Logic Scripting Therapy Research
Daniel Nguyen
Graphic Design & Frontend 3D Modeling Environment Building Logic Scripting Oculus Quest Integration Hardware
Ted Moseley
Website Integration User Portal & Video Feed Server & Backend Database Logic Scripting Hardware
Michael Truong
Database Server & Backend Logic Scripting Environment Building